Superman Sneezing Solar System

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Written By William E. Kimpel

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Superman was flying through the solar system when he felt a tickle in his nose. He tried to hold it in, but eventually he couldn’t take it anymore and he sneezed. His sneeze was so powerful that it sent planets spinning out of orbit and created new ones.

Superman, the iconic superhero from DC Comics, is known for his many abilities, including super strength, speed, and vision, and his invulnerability to most forms of harm. But did you know that he also has the power to sneeze solar systems? Yes, that’s right, Superman can sneeze solar systems.

This amazing ability was first shown in the comics back in the 1970s, and it has been a part of Superman’s canon since then. So how does Superman do it? Well, it’s actually quite simple.

Superman inhales deeply, and then uses his super-breath to expel the air at a high velocity. This creates a powerful wind that is strong enough to dislodge planets from their orbits and send them flying through space. While this may seem like a destructive power, it’s actually quite the opposite.

Superman only uses his sneeze to solar systems when he needs to, such as when a planet is in danger of colliding with another object. By dislodging the planet from its orbit, Superman is actually helping to prevent a disaster. So there you have it, the next time you see Superman sneezing, don’t be alarmed, he’s just helping to keep the solar system safe!

Superman Sneezing Solar System


Can Superman Destroy a Galaxy?

Yes, Superman can destroy a galaxy. He has the power to do so because he is incredibly powerful and has a lot of control over his powers. When he is angry or when he wants to, he can use his powers to destroy things.

He has done this before, and he can do it again.

What is Silver Age Superman?

In comics, the “Silver Age” is generally considered to be the period from 1956 to early 1970s. This would make the Silver Age Superman the one that debuted in Action Comics #252 in May 1959, and continued to appear in Action Comics and Superman until the character’s reboot in late 1970s. This Superman was more powerful than his Golden Age predecessor, and his stories were more fanciful, often involving Kryptonite and time travel.

The Silver Age Superman was the first superhero to regularly appear in other media, such as cartoons and movies. He also became a pop culture icon, appearing on merchandise and in parodies. In recent years, the Silver Age Superman has been making a comeback in comics, appearing in several miniseries and one-shots.

How Strong is Superman?

Superman is one of the most powerful beings on the planet and possibly in the universe. His strength is vast and he has demonstrated it time and time again. He has been able to lift incredibly heavy objects, including mountains, and has even held up the weight of the world itself.

He has also been able to fly at supersonic speeds and has shown durability that is virtually unrivaled. All of this makes Superman one of the strongest beings in existence.

Superman destroys Solar System by sneezing

Superman Strongest Form

When it comes to the strongest form of Superman, there are a few things to consider. One is the fact that Superman is constantly exposed to solar radiation, which gives him a big boost of power. Additionally, Superman has a variety of forms that he can take, each with its own set of abilities.

One of the most important factors in determining Superman’s strength is the amount of solar radiation he is exposed to. When Superman is exposed to more solar radiation, he is able to tap into more of his power. This is why Superman is often at his strongest when he is in the sun.

Additionally, Superman’s power is also affected by his emotions. When Superman is angry, he is able to tap into more of his power, making him even stronger. Superman also has a variety of forms that he can take, each with its own set of abilities.

For example, Superman can transform into his Super form, which gives him increased strength, speed, and durability. Additionally, Superman can also transform into his Energy form, which allows him to fire powerful beams of energy from his eyes. No matter what form he is in, Superman is always a force to be reckoned with.

He is constantly growing in strength and power, and is always a threat to anyone who stands in his way.

Cosmic Armor Superman

When it comes to Superman, there are few things more iconic than his red and blue suit. But did you know that there’s another version of the Man of Steel that sports a very different look? This is Cosmic Armor Superman, and he’s one of the most powerful versions of the character you’ll ever see.

Cosmic Armor Superman first appeared in the comics in 1991, during the “Reign of the Supermen” storyline. This was a time when Superman had died, and four different imposters were claiming to be the real deal. One of these was a cybernetic Superman, who was created by Lex Luthor.

This cybernetic Superman had all of the original’s powers, but he also had some new abilities, thanks to his armor. This armor could absorb and redirect energy, making him almost impossible to hurt. It also gave him the power to fly, and shoot powerful energy beams from his eyes.

Cosmic Armor Superman was eventually revealed to be a fraud, and the real Superman returned. But the character has remained popular, and has appeared in a number of comics and cartoons over the years. If you’re a fan of Superman, then you’ll definitely want to check out Cosmic Armor Superman.

He’s a powerful and unique take on the character, and he’s sure to impress.

Action Comics #273

This week’s blog post is all about Action Comics #273! This issue was released in May of 1961 and was written by Jerry Siegel with art by Curt Swan. In this issue, Superman goes back in time to the days of the Wild West!

He arrives in the town of Westville just in time to save a group of settlers from an attacking band of Native Americans. After the settlers are safe, Superman sets out to track down the Native Americans and bring them to justice. He eventually finds them and learns that they are only attacking because they are starving.

Superman then comes up with a plan to help the Native Americans. He creates a giant crop circle in a nearby field and uses his super breath to blow the seeds everywhere. The Native Americans are then able to harvest the crops and have food to eat.

They are also able to trade the surplus for other goods that they need. In the end, Superman is able to help the Native Americans and the settlers live peacefully side by side. This is a great example of Superman using his powers to help others and make the world a better place.

Superman Strongest Feat

Superman’s strongest feat is probably when he saved the world from Doomsday. He was the only one who could stand up to Doomsday, and he did it without any help. He was also able to fly around the world and reverse the rotation of the earth, which is pretty impressive.


According to a recent study, if Superman were to sneeze, the resulting wind could potentially destroy our entire solar system. The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Leicester, found that the Man of Steel’s sneeze would generate a wind speed of around 1,000 km/h. This is enough to completely shatter planets and send them flying out of orbit.

So, next time you’re feeling a little under the weather, remember that it could be a lot worse – you could be Superman.

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