What Planet Has the Lowest Density in Our Solar System?

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Written By William E. Kimpel

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There are many interesting facts about our solar system. For example, did you know that Saturn is the planet with the lowest density in our solar system? This is because Saturn is mostly made up of gas and is much less dense than the other planets.

There are many factors that contribute to a planet’s density, including its size, composition, and temperature. However, when it comes to the lowest density in our solar system, the honor goes to Saturn’s moon, Titan. Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and is also the second largest moon in our solar system, after Jupiter’s Ganymede.

Titan is unique in many ways, including its dense atmosphere which is composed of nitrogen and methane. This atmosphere gives Titan a hazy appearance and contributes to its low density. While Titan’s density is lower than that of Earth, it is still much higher than that of Saturn’s other moons.

This is due to Titan’s size and composition, which are similar to that of Earth. Titan is also the only moon in our solar system with evidence of liquid on its surface, in the form of lakes and rivers of methane. So, while there are many interesting and exotic planets in our solar system, when it comes to low density, Titan takes the cake.

Solar System: Planets In Order Of Density [Lowest To Highest]

What is the Lowest Density Planet in Our Solar System

There are four planets in our solar system with a lower density than Saturn – Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Earth. Saturn, the least dense of the four, has a density of 0.687 g/cm^3. Jupiter has a density of 1.326 g/cm^3, Uranus has a density of 1.270 g/cm^3, Neptune has a density of 1.638 g/cm^3, and Earth has a density of 5.513 g/cm^3.

The least dense planet is Saturn. It is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter, the next least dense, is made of mostly hydrogen and helium as well.

However, it has a higher concentration of heavier elements, such as carbon, than Saturn does. Uranus and Neptune are made of a mix of hydrogen, helium, water, methane, and ammonia. Earth, the least dense of the terrestrial planets, is made of iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, nickel, and aluminum.

What Planet Has the Lowest Density in Our Solar System?

Credit: phys.org

Which Planet Has the Lowest Density

The lowest density planet in our solar system is Saturn’s moon, Titan. Titan’s density is just 1.88 grams per cubic centimeter. That’s less than half the density of water!

Titan is also the largest moon in our solar system. It’s diameter is almost 50% larger than Earth’s moon. Titan is an interesting place.

It’s the only moon with a significant atmosphere. And, it’s the only place in our solar system other than Earth where clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found.

Which Planet Has the Highest Density

There are many factors to consider when determining which planet has the highest density. For example, a planet’s size, composition, and gravitational pull all play a role in its density. When we compare the densities of the planets in our solar system, Mercury is the clear winner.

Mercury has a diameter of just over 3,000 miles, making it the smallest planet in our solar system. It is also made up of a dense core of iron and silicate rocks. This combination makes Mercury incredibly dense, with a density of 5.427 g/cm3.

In comparison, Earth has a diameter of almost 8,000 miles and is made up of a less dense mixture of rocks and metals. As a result, Earth has a lower density of 5.51 g/cm3. It’s worth noting that the planet with the highest density isn’t necessarily the heaviest planet.

For example, Jupiter is much larger than Mercury but has a lower density of 1.326 g/cm3. This is because Jupiter is made up of gas and dust, which are much less dense than the rocks and metals found on Mercury.

Which Planet Has the Strongest Winds in the Solar System

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the size of the planet, the distance from the sun, the composition of the atmosphere, and the rotation rate. However, some scientists believe that Saturn’s moon, Titan, has the strongest winds in the solar system. Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and is the second largest moon in the solar system, after Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.

It has a thick atmosphere of nitrogen and methane, which gives it a hazy, orange appearance. The atmosphere of Titan is much denser than that of Earth, meaning that the winds can reach speeds of up to 560 km/h (350 mph). These high winds are caused by the differential heating of the atmosphere by the sun.

The atmosphere on the day side of Titan is heated more than the atmosphere on the night side, resulting in strong winds from the day side to the night side. The winds on Titan are thought to be strong enough to sculpt the surface of the moon. The large dune fields on Titan are believed to have been formed by the wind, and the moon’s large hydrocarbon lakes may also have been sculpted by the wind.

So, while there is no definitive answer to the question of which planet has the strongest winds in the solar system, Titan is a strong contender.


The planet with the lowest density in our solar system is Saturn. This is because Saturn is mostly made up of gas and liquid, while the other planets are made up of solid materials. Saturn’s low density means that it is not as massive as the other planets, and this is why it has a lower gravity.

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